Quality Policy
Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results
Research & Development
- Sustained focus on Research and Development with a vision to add new products every year
- Customer delight by giving rapid product development.
- Daily Small Improvements in our operations and processes with a target to minimise wastes
Customer Satisfaction
- Timely delivery of quality products as desired by the customer
- Fulfil customer needs by assuring next day service for any complaints and other services
- Delight customers by offering value added services above the product being supplied
Training & Development
- Providing growth-oriented environment to our employees by giving them regular training on new technologies/processes and methodologies of production.
- Opportunities to take up different roles within the organisational hierarchy.
Legal & Regulatory Requirements
- To fulfil all mandatory legal requirements as set forth and expected by the relevant
government authorities
World Class Practices
- To impart via training and implement World Class Practices within the organisation.
- To develop marketing as a full-fledged function and increase brand visibility and credibility in the market