Primers Paint
Our Company Manufactures Best Quality Primers Paint
Primers serve as intermediate coatings between the substrate and the intended top coat finish which may be enamel or polyurethane among many others. Their main function is to create an adhesive layer for the application of the top coat paint. Equally important is their role in improving the anticorrosion properties of the resultant coating thereby significantly increasing the life of the substrate.Pearl coating manufactures following primers :

Zinc based Primers
Economical grade primers for use in the fabrication industry. Their protection can be increased by the addiction to zinc phosphate-based pigments.
MIO based primers
High build primers are possible with the use of micaceous iron oxide (MIO) primers. They give superior protection to metallic and cementitious substrates
PVB primers (Shop primer)
General-purpose shop floor primers with fast-drying characteristics.
Polyurethane primer
These are zinc phosphate-based primers that give excellent adhesion to metals. serves as preceding layers for topcoat PU.
Zinc based Primers
MIO based primers
PVB primers (Shop primer)
Polyurethane primer
Zinc Rich & High Build Epoxy Primers
MIO based primers
PVB primers (Shop primer)
Polyurethane primer
Zn Phosphate primer
Zinc rich primer
Weldable primer