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Pearl Rapid Dry Paints

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Increase your productivity by more than 3 times.

Many entry-level paints that dry quickly are available in the market under various names such as Quick Drying Enamels, Air Drying paints, Fast Drying Paints, AD/FD – Air drying & fast drying paints, and so on. Rapid drying coatings are a new development at Pearl Coating. As the name suggests, rapid dry coatings harden quickly at room temperature or under force curing. The initial drying is comparable to NC-based coatings, but the hard drying is faster than the NC base. This allows paint consumers to process their products faster. Below are the average drying times and processibility of the above coatings in comparison to Pearl Rapid Dry paints


ChemistryTack Free TimeReady to transportReady for further processing
Enamel Paint12 hrs +24 hrs +24 hrs +
Quick Drying Paint4 hrs +12 hrs +12 hrs +
Air drying8 hrs +20 hrs+24 hrs +
AD/FD1 hr+20 hrs+24 hrs+
NC base0.25 hrs+4 hrs+16 hrs+
Pearl Rapid Dry0.6 hrs+4 hrs+12 hrs+

Advantages of Pearl Rapid Dry Paints

Pearl Rapid Dry paints are specifically designed keeping in mind the Just-in-Time (JIT) requirements of the auto industry. These paints allow the customer to paint and transport their product on the same day thereby increasing their production output multifold. AD/FD paints cannot be transported on the same day and consequently, the customer needs to paint and keep the products in a holding inventory before he can dispatch his product with certainty. This brings down his Overall Operating Efficiency(OEE) drastically – a serious no-go if you are planning on becoming a world-class company that practices TPM or other relevant philosophies.


In the case of casting manufacturers, the newly cast part can be quite large (imagine the engine crankcase of commercial vehicles). 100 castings may require more than 1000 square feet of storage. This will also block your paint booth as the freshly painted castings can’t be handled; not only are they wet but too heavy to not leave marks/prints on the casting. If Pearl Rapid cure paints are used, the number of castings in holding can come down by 6-8 times. This releases shop floor area and increases casting output allowing the customer to load an 8 standard 407 truck in one shift.*


Pearl Rapid coatings can be customized to achieve high glossy paints as well as dead matt finishes. They can provide enhanced corrosion protection of up to 800 hrs. Salt Spray Test (SST) based on ASTM B 117 standards. Clear lacquers are also feasible.

*Data based on actual numbers captured at the customer end